Digital Circuits and Systems by Prof. Shankar Balachandran, IIT Madras

Digital circuits are the basic blocks of modern electronic devices like mobile phones, digital cameras, microprocessors and several other devices. In this course, we will learn the fundamentals of digital circuits and how to engineer the building blocks that go into digital subsystems. We will first learn the basics of Boolean algebra and combinational logic. We will then have a thorough treatment of sequential circuits and state machines. Finally, we will learn how to analyze the performance of digital circuits and how to design high performance circuits. The course will emphasize both on the design philosophy and good design practices. Students will also get an exposure to Verilog, a popular hardware modeling language.

Week 1 
  1. Introduction
  2. Basic Boolean Logic
  3. Boolean Theorems
  4. Definitions, SoP and Pos
  5. Algebraic Minimization Examples
  6. Introduction to Verilog

Week 2 

  1. Universality, Rearranging Truth Tables
  2. Karnaugh Maps
  3. K-Map Minimization
  4. K-Map with Don't cares
  5. Multiple Output Functions
  6. Number Systems

Download Week 2 PPT

Week 3 
  1. Encoders and Decoders 
  2. Multiplexers 
  3. Multiplexer based Circuit Design 
  4. Verilog 
  5. Compiling and Running Verilog - A Demonstration Not Started

Download Week 3 PPT

Week 4
  1. Sequential Elements
  2. Gated Latches
  3. Flipflops
  4. Verilog - Assign Statement and Instantiation
  5. Sequential Circuits

Week 5
  1. CMOS+Electrical Properties
  2. Delays
  3. Sequential Element Delays
  4. More Sequential Circuits
  5. Introduction to State Machines
  6. Always Statement in Verilog

Week 6
  1. Sequential Logic Synthesis
  2. FSM Design Problems
  3. State Minimization
  4. State Assignment
  5. Timing Sequential Circuits
  6. Verilog Styles + Sequential Elements

Week 7
  1. GCD Algorithm
  2. GCD Machine's Datapath
  3. GCD State Machine

Download Week  7 PDF

Thank You,

Mani Shankar Peddi

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